Young Trix Puts Turks & Caicos on the Map with New Release ‘2 Tone Drip’ EP

Turks & Caicos’ next rising star, ​Young Trix​​ stays true to the game with a banging newEP, ‘​2 Tone Drip.​​ ’ Coming with 5 tracks over smooth ​DeCicco Beats ​​and ​TrenchLordBproduction, the project touches on various subjects that pop up while getting to the bag,such as fake friends, jealousy and of course, high levels of ballin’.

‘​2 Tone Drip’​​ shines in Young Trix’s ability to keep it genuine, painting a picture ofeveryday life from the point of view of a young hustler on the rise. Lines like “​is they mad‘cause they know I’m getting cash”​ and “​I told them f*ck they advance. I don’t want fame,I wanna get me a bag”​ offer relatable content matter for fellow go getters, getting theirsby any means necessary.

Citing ​Drake​​, ​Future​​,​ Gunna​​, ​Juice Wrld​​ and ​Lil Baby​​ as influences Young Trix is poised to follow in their footsteps with quality product, impeccable work ethic and commitment to excellence. All while keeping his Caribbean identity intact. Check for ‘​2 Tone Drip​​’ and watch out for Turk & Caicos’ next breakout star, ​Young Trix​​.

Keisha M. Tarver

Founder & CEO of Hype Off Life. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


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PREMIERE: Adrien Lamont - 'PUSH' (Album)