Sev7en Taylor Is a Boss on "SpaceShips" + Bonus Q&A Session

Sev7en Taylor is back with a brand new single and plenty of positive energy on "SpaceShips," as well as it's accompanying Hype Off Life Q&A session 🙌🏾 Touching on the rise of his career, peep game as Sev7en gets into his music being played in Russia, "The Player's Club" and plans on how he'll keep killin' it. And oh yeah, press play on "Spaceships" right after for nostalgic, '95 Lil' Kim vibes.

What’s up! How’s life been treating you since we last spoke?

Life has been rewarding in different ways. I woke up one day and found out my music being played in Russia. I think I'm at place where I know God has me. He's in everything I do and I continue to push my pen. I have so many things to do. I'm making sure to stay away from weird energy.  However, I've been busy working on new projects and just new ways to get my artistic views across. 

Who are you listening to these days?

'94-95 Lil' Kim, Nicki's recent freestyles and anything that amuses me at the moment. Special s/o to my artist friends( Darcy Dondada,  Meaux, PAXSIR, DDomino GeronimoAzari Jacquan, Estevan. THE GODPrecious (Becky) and MORE), as they are preparing and releasing new music. Proud of them. I'm also listening to myself more these days. Just something I do as I prepare myself for new music. I like to review past work and step it up for future projects.

"Control over me is a GOAL."

Your new single “SpaceShips” is a mood, a vibe, a whole atmosphere. What type of mindset were you in when you laid the track?

Thank you! I'm happy that ya'll loving the new single. I'm just in a very creative zone with myself and everything that I'm working on. I know I'm gonna be very successful. I sat in my room and wrote the first two verses; then freestyled the three verse at the studio. I kept making my engineer Frank punch me in as the lyrics came to me.

Lately I've been freestyling then going back and adding to it. I love when things just come to me naturally. You know? I'm thankful to be here and sharing another piece of art with ya'll. It's a blessing for my music to be in demand. I have a job to add to pop culture and continue to open the door.

"Nicki made audiomack back HOT; so I had to release it on there as well."

It’s artwork borrows from 90’s black cinema classic, “The Player’s Club.” What’s your favorite scene from the movie. Why?

One of my fave movies. I love acting out scenes from the movie. Ronnie scenes are my fav. I just loved her energy. I say one of her lines in the beginning of the song (I don't think people caught it) haha.

Are you more Diana, Ebony or Ronnie?

Ronnie. I'm a BOSS. I'm straight forward with my energy and my time. RUN ME MY MONEY

"We aren't just one thing and every out artist doesn't sing nor rap the same songs."

What are the Top 3 goals you want to accomplish this year?

Getting a new living space, bringing my career to the next level and being positive about everything. Even the weird shit. Control over me is a GOAL. I've been doing very good with it. Just been removing the bullshit. 

How do you plan on giving back to the culture once you blow?

pening doors, getting everyone meetings and allowing us to be viewed outside these black & white filters; we are in color. We aren't just one thing and every out artist doesn't sing nor rap the same songs. We have narratives just like anyone else. I love to be able to show off for us and bring a new narrative to the table. 

Anything else we should know?

My new EP, " The Disobedience Of Jimmie Taylor" will arrive later this year. This project is an expansion pack to the album and I'll be blessing ya'll with visuals this year from both projects. I will move onto the new era once I start the sophomore album.

"Spaceships" will be live on iTunes... etc next week. I just wanted to give ya'll a great listening experience.  Soundcloud is for the culture and I stan authentic vibes being released. Nicki made audiomack back HOT; so I had to release it on there as well. She's such a boss in everything she does and I admire that about her.

This project is gonna go deep into creative rap and I'm very excited!  Jimmie ready to play with the girls. Thank you for this dope interview! So proud of your growing platform. Thank you for the support EVERYONE!

Keisha M. Tarver

Founder & CEO of Hype Off Life. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


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