Point Ash Celebrates The Men Who Step Up On "Father's Day"!

Father's Day may have been gone a couple weeks ago, but Dads still need to be celebrated. While Fathers aren't perfect, there are many that are loved. Gary, Indiana MC Point Ash sends love to fellow Dads on the track, "Father's Day"!

Produced by Dreamlife Beats, Point Ash tells it like it is, and shares the ups and challenges that many Fathers face. While he himself hasn't been the perfect Dad, he challenges men out there to step up to the plate and be there for their kids. In a society where Fathers can't get love even on Father's Day, it's time many of those who are doing good be recognized, and those who are lacking to turn their life around and break the cycle!

Celebrate Dad, not only on Father's Day, but "Err'day"! Check out the track below, and share with a friend. Follow @HypeOffLife on Instagram for more content.




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