DaeShawn Forrest’s "THE DREAM" - A Powerful Journey of Growth and Resilience


DaeShawn Forest’s latest offering, "THE DREAM", marks a significant evolution in the artist's personal and musical journey. Over 13 tracks, he showcases growth, wisdom, and resilience, building on the foundation laid by his previous project, "Transparent 2." Whereas "Transparent 2" explored the darker moments of DaeShawn’s life, "THE DREAM" reflects a healed and more peaceful DaeShawn, one who has found closure with past struggles. The result is a triumphant body of work that speaks directly to those in pursuit of their aspirations.

The mixtape is rooted in classic Hip Hop values, emphasizing storytelling, authenticity, and faith. With a production that's both clean and hard-hitting, DaeShawn uses his platform to share his truth, showing he's wise beyond his years. This is Hip Hop with heart—motivational, inspiring, and full of the champion spirit needed to reach your dreams. Let’s take a deeper look at each track and its message.

Track #1 - “Dreams”

DaeShawn kicks off the mixtape with "Dreams," an introspective track where he lays out the foundation of his ambition. The influence of his family and faith is clear as he discusses the pressure to succeed. His lyricism reflects the ups and downs of chasing dreams, as he grapples with the emotional and spiritual toll it takes: “They didn’t really explain how to fight for these dreams.” It's a relatable anthem for anyone fighting to turn their visions into reality, serving as a reminder that the journey isn't always straightforward.

Track #2 - “New Beginnings”

On "New Beginnings," DaeShawn embraces the idea of moving forward. Fresh off the hardships detailed in his last project, he declares that he’s finally found peace. This track feels like a victory lap, where he acknowledges the lessons learned and the people left behind. His tunnel vision is apparent: “I keep looking forward, not behind.” The contrast in tone between this song and his previous work signals personal growth and healing, showing that he’s prepared to cut ties with anything that doesn’t align with his goals.

Track #3 - “Ain’t A Thing”

"Ain’t A Thing" is an assertive response to doubters and haters. DaeShawn makes it clear that he's staying in his lane, choosing to rise above negativity without losing focus. While others may throw shade, he focuses on his craft, faith, and team-building. The track exudes humility, with DaeShawn emphasizing his reliance on God and his commitment to staying locked in despite distractions.

Track #4 - “Make It Happen”

“Make It Happen” is a high-energy track centered on DaeShawn’s relentless pursuit of success. His faith in God and dedication to his grind are clear as he reflects on his family’s rise from poverty to stability. Lines like “This is my passion, not my hobby” encapsulate his determination to achieve his dreams no matter the obstacles. The track also touches on meetings with music execs, adding an element of realism to his hustle.

Track #5 - “Regrets”

"Regrets" dives deep into DaeShawn's overthinking and fear of wasted potential. His candid reflections on the mental toll of chasing dreams remind listeners that the journey is not without its sacrifices. With lines like “Been through a lot, I’m so far from sane,” he paints a picture of perseverance in the face of doubt and struggle. This track is a reminder that regret can only be avoided through persistence and faith, no matter how tough the path gets.

Track #6 - “I’ve Searched”

With an upbeat tempo and strong horns, "I’ve Searched" serves as an anthem for the daily grind. DaeShawn talks about balancing multiple ventures, like podcasting and music, all while holding on to his family’s wisdom. The track emphasizes his desire to build an empire, illustrating the search for the right way to navigate life and success. It’s a motivational track, perfect for kickstarting any day of hard work and ambition.

Track #7 - “SHOW UP”

“SHOW UP” is a powerful statement about integrity and resilience. DaeShawn prides himself on his ability to show up for himself and his team, no matter the circumstances. He talks about his determination to keep pushing through obstacles, never taking shortcuts, and grinding until his dreams become reality. His message is clear: no matter how many people give up, he’s committed to seeing it through, not for validation but for his own sense of pride and purpose.

Track #8 - “Better Myself”

"Better Myself" addresses the distractions that come with relationships. DaeShawn speaks on past experiences of getting sidetracked by love that didn’t align with his mission. He recognizes that he needs someone who enhances his journey, not hinders it. The song captures his journey of self-improvement and focus, choosing to prioritize his goals over fleeting romances.

Track #9 - “DAE-DAE”

In "DAE-DAE," DaeShawn gives us a raw glimpse into his childhood, moving to a new city, and the challenges that came with it. From being bullied to losing a close friend to suicide, the song is filled with emotional weight. It’s a sobering reminder of the struggles many face in their formative years and how those experiences shape us. The storytelling here is vulnerable, showing a different side to DaeShawn’s resilience.

Track #10 - “I Got Somewhere To Go”

This track explores DaeShawn’s shift from pessimism to faith, as he dreams of traveling the world and protecting his energy from those who might derail him. “I Got Somewhere To Go” captures the struggle of staying focused and keeping dreams close to the chest, so they aren’t crushed by negativity. It’s a reflective track, showing DaeShawn's maturity in recognizing what truly matters in his life.

Track #11 - A Better Way To Live

"A Better Way To Live" begins with a prayer, as DaeShawn reaches out to God for guidance. He reflects on his impatience and moments of doubt, but remains committed to his vision of leaving a lasting impact on the world. More than just money and fame, this song highlights DaeShawn’s deeper motivations, his desire to leave a positive legacy.

Track #12 - “That’s Alright”

On this emotionally charged track, DaeShawn reveals insecurities masked by overconfidence. He confronts the harsh realities of chasing dreams, especially when those who promised to help fall short. The song shifts gears midway through, with more aggressive production, signaling DaeShawn’s determination to charge forward at full speed, refusing to give up.

Track #13 - “Finding Out”

“Finding Out” wraps up the mixtape with DaeShawn reflecting on his job and praying for a breakthrough. This final track encapsulates the uncertainty of whether all his hard work will pay off but emphasizes that material success isn’t the goal anymore. It’s about staying true to his dreams.


THE DREAM is a testament to DaeShawn Forrest’s journey of growth, healing, and determination. The clean production and introspective lyrics make this mixtape a motivational soundtrack for anyone chasing their dreams. With wisdom beyond his years, DaeShawn has positioned himself as an artist who not only knows what it takes to succeed but is actively living it.

Keisha M. Tarver

Los Angeles-bred Publisher & CEO. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


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