Kei-Soul - "MONSTARS"

When you're off doing big things, making big moves, shaking hands, kissing babies and all that jazz, you're bound to run into your own personal fan club full of haters. But as all seasoned hustlers know, that comes with the territory. Without their saltiness and subliminals how would you know you're on the right track? How can you know you're doing right without somebody always mentioning what you did wrong 10 years ago??Some people have a hard time dealing with hate thrown their way. But, once that thick skin develops you become invincible. ATL's Kei-Soul knows the deal and counterattacks the hate in one smooth take, "MONSTARS." Packing a strong pen game over eerie production, the Georgia native tackles the subject with insight and poise reserved for only the most aware and on top of their game.So, instead of seeing haters as a bad thing, learn how to view them as a mark of achievement. Because who else is going to mention you the most, effectively becoming a form of free PR. After you're done with that paradigm shift, take a listen to "MONSTARS" below and follow up with a real one at @daonlykeisoul.   

Keisha M. Tarver

Founder & CEO of Hype Off Life. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


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