Hex One: "Leave It All Behind" (Video)

 Perhaps the dopest single of October, "Leave It All Behind" marks the third release from Hex One's official debut solo album 'Words Worth a Thousand Pictures.' The jazzy track touches on the ills that come with growing up in many low income neighborhoods in America, the influences these environments have on the youth and the exacerbation of these problems by the media and television. Despite music itself being highly subjective in nature, Hex One aims to remove some of this subjectivity and boldly proclaim that some art simply takes more skill than others and talent is most certainly measurable.  Produced by: Type RawDirected by: by Indigo Films 

Keisha M. Tarver

Founder & CEO of Hype Off Life. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


$kinny: "Night Shift"


QUON:"Hunnid Miles n Runnin" (Video)