Frieza Arrives With Debut Project, "Thank You and Goodbye"

Houston-based artist Frieza is relatively new on the scene, but is on a mission to become your favorite artist. The 22 year old takes inspiration from his various life experiences and observations to make the kind of music you can really feel. He also looks to provide healing with his music for those who are going through serious times, especially during these crazy times. He looks to do more of that with the release of his debut project, "Thank You and Goodbye".

Featuring 9 tracks, Frieza covers a variety of topics on his debut. Whether he's being vulnerable about his anxiety, dealing with love, or looking back at certain life choices, the project has content that everyone can relate to, and Frieza looks to bring people together with it. With 808mora being the only guest on "Thank You and Goodbye", Frieza is put on the spot to really showcase why you need to keep his music in your collection. With production that delves into Trap, Emo Rap, and Rock influences, Frieza had to ensure that his lyrics are backed by great sounds. Give Frieza's debut a listen today!

Check out the album below, and share with a friend. Follow @HypeOffLife on Twitter and Instagram for more content.


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