Eruza Five: "5Stages" (Video)

 Eruza Five is onto the third installment in his collection “5Stages". With two songs to his name at this point, he has been gaining attention rapidly over the course of the past 4 months. His style is aggressive but still complements the somber themes that he delivers. On his latest track “ 5 Stages, “ Eruza narrates through a cycle of stories from his past life with family, love, and friends to give you more of an insight of his personal life. Without prior insight, it's easy to misconstrue the message behind the accompanying video. So, who better to tell it than Eruza Five himself... "I wanted to display the five stages of grief through the people in masks. They are my demons that haunt me and follow me through life. This video is basically an overview of my life in the first scene and bars until it drops and then after the camera pans upwards in the beginning I travel back in time to my hometown . I want to show them what hurricane sandy did to my house ( as I said in my song LOMO “ sandy fucked me up and everything I had “ ) . The kitchen scene represents women/lust being the death of me. The woman in the mask represents lust as well." 

Keisha M. Tarver

Founder & CEO of Hype Off Life. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


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