Deal The Villain: "Legend Blue" (Video)

 New Jersey wordsmith Deal The Villain, breaks us off with the second release from his upcoming 'Beards, Beats & Kicks' EP, "Legend Blue." This particular track is something I can get into, as Deal brings back true lyricism and storytelling, over a grimy and not to mention, self-produced beat. If that's what you're into too, catch 'Beards, Beats & Kicks' June 19th, as a Bandcamp exlcusive. 🙌🏽 Written, Performed & Produced by: Deal The VillainDirected, Shot & Edited by: Leon Brinson  

Keisha M. Tarver

Founder & CEO of Hype Off Life. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


Dreamin Big: "In America" (Video)


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