PREMIERE: D-Brown Gets Back to The Bag on "Intro" (Video)

It's been a minute since we last heard from Gary, Indiana's D-Brown. But no worries, because he's back and better than ever with a brand new Hype Off Life premiere, "Intro". Touching on his hiatus, watching out for people that weren't watching out for him, and being in the midst of the process - more specifically at the part where people think you're ballin' because you've reached a certain level, but you're really broke - the track keeps it all the way 100, speaking on topics most rapper's glaze over in favor of keeping up with the crowd.

Aside from speaking facts about the reality of losing momentum when you take a break and still living in the hood, the SameHustleNewMoney boss delves into more real sh*t like the fact there are no redos when it comes to life. With D-Brown's chill flow, backed by even smoother production, "Intro" is that relaxing track that'll have you pondering your own hustle before coming to the conclusion you need to kick it up a notch.

It's accompanying video flows in the same vein, showcasing scenic shots that stir up feelings of serenity and D-Brown's newfound peace. All in all, "Intro" marks the beginning of something beautiful for D-Brown as he lets off the brake and gives 'em all gas. Check it out here, at Hype Off Life and take notes. Because success leaves clues!

Keisha M. Tarver

Founder & CEO of Hype Off Life. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


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