Calboy Deals With Broken Trust On "Ten Toes Down"

When it comes to love and loyalty, they can be parts of a solid person's character, or something that's rarely experienced. For Calboy, it can be difficult to get them from the people he lets in his life. When it comes to someone you wish to make a partner, that's another story. In his video for "Ten Toes Down", he talks about it.

The video finds Calboy seeing the lady he's with for who she really is as she has been making moves with one of his friends behind his back. The video highlights the disloyalty among friends and partners, but Calboy has had growing suspicions of her. He looks back at the times he has been there for her, but it didn't matter much to her as she was more concerned about texting his friend who seemed to be more enticing through his various photos showing off his material wealth. The video has a twist however, but we're not gonna spoil it for you. Be on the look out for more from Calboy in the coming weeks!

Check out the video for "Ten Toes Down" below, and share with a friend. Follow @HypeOffLife on Twitter and Instagram for more content.


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